Hyperparameter optimization is essential for machine learning tasks. For our framework, we use Optuna for optimization and Weights and Biases to monitor the experiments. In this tutorial we take a look at how to configure the hyperparameter optimization.

We organize the configurations for hyperopt like this:

  • all hyperopt configurations are stored in conf/performance
  • they are in a folder which indicates the environment we are optimizing for, e.g. conf/performance/Blocks
  • they end in -opti.yaml if they are configs for hyperopt and in -test.yaml if they are for performance tests.
  • if there is a sub-type of the environment, e.g. the Blocks env with one block and the gripper-goal above, this is reflected in the filename: conf/performance/Blocks/o1-above-sac_her-opti.yaml.

To learn about the hyperopt configuration, we create a config for the FetchReach environment for the modified version of CLEANSAC, CLEANSAC_MOD, that we created in the Adding a new algorithm tutorial.


At first, we copy-paste the existing hyperopt config conf/performance/FetchReach/cleansac_her-opti.yaml into the same folder and name it cleansac_mod-opti.yaml. Let’s go over the contents of the copied configuration and see what we have to adjust.

# @package _global_
# Changes specified in this config should be interpreted as relative to the _global_ package.
  - override /algorithm: cleansac

Here we have to change - override /algorithm: cleansac to - override /algorithm: cleansac_mod to optimize for the cleansac_mod algorithm.

hyperopt_criterion: is used to determine what variable will be used to evaluate the performance of the model during hyperparameter optimization. We will leave it as it is.

n_epochs: 20
eval_after_n_steps: 2000
early_stop_threshold: 0.6
early_stop_data_column: 'eval/success_rate'
hyperopt_criterion: 'train/rollout_rewards_mean'

env: 'FetchReach-v2'

  use_her: True

Delete n_epochs: 20 because we would like to use the default n_epochs=60 here. The rest can be left as-is, because we still want to optimize for the FetchReach environment and use hindsight experience replay.

    study_name: cleansacher_FetchReach
    max_trials: 32
    n_jobs: 9
    direction: maximize
    max_duration_minutes: 6000
    min_trials_per_param: 3
    max_trials_per_param: 6
        type: float
        low: 0.0001
        high: 0.005
        log: true
        type: float
        low: 0.9
        high: 0.99
        log: true
        type: float
        low: 0.005
        high: 0.1
        log: true

This is the configuration for the sweeper that chooses the different parameterizations for the experiment runs. Let’s go over the different settings:

  • The most important thing to adjust is the study_name. Change it to cleansac_mod_FetchReach
  • max_trials is the maximum number of runs, let’s set it to 8 so that our experiment does not take too long
  • n_jobs is the number of runs to run in parallel. It depends on how powerful the machine that you are running the experiments on is. For example, if you have a CPU with 4 threads, do not set n_jobs to anything higher than 3.
  • direction: maximize tells the sweeper that we try to maximize a metric. In our case, this is the hyperopt-score that we return in src/main.py at the end of each experiment. The hyperopt-score is the sum of the mean of the evaluation metric (usually eval/success_rate) and the mean of the evaluation metric in the last early_stop_last_n epochs, divided by the number of epochs. In pseudo-python-code
    score = mean(early_stop_data_column) + mean(early_stop_data_column[-early_stop_last_n:])
    score /= epochs
  • max_duration_minutes is the maximum runtime for the hyperopt in minutes. Let’s set it to two hours, because it really should not take longer for only 8 trials
  • min_trials_per_param and max_trials_per_param tells the sweeper how often each parameterization should be tested. For our experiment, we want each parameterization to be run exactly 4 times, so we set both to 4.
  • in the search_space, we define the range of parameters that the sweeper should try. We only want to test the difference between using algorithm.critic_select=min and algorithm.critic_select=max. At first, we remove the other three parameters. Then we add the following lines: ``` ++algorithm.critic_select: type: categorical choices:
    • min
    • max ``` The type of this parameter is categorical, because we only have two options. Other types are float, e.g. for the learning_rate, or int, e.g. for something like n_sampled_goal (learn more about types for the Optuna sweeper). After the changes, the config should look like this:
# @package _global_
# Changes specified in this config should be interpreted as relative to the _global_ package.
  - override /algorithm: cleansac_mod

# overwrite default parameters.
env: 'FetchReach-v2'

eval_after_n_steps: 2000
early_stop_threshold: 0.6
early_stop_data_column: 'eval/success_rate'
hyperopt_criterion: 'train/rollout_rewards_mean'

env: 'FetchReach-v2'

  use_her: True

    study_name: cleansac_mod_FetchReach
    max_trials: 8
    n_jobs: 4
    direction: maximize
    max_duration_minutes: 120
    min_trials_per_param: 4
    max_trials_per_param: 4
        type: categorical
          - min
          - max

Running the hyperopt

We can run the experiment with python src/main.py +performance=FetchReach/sac_mod-opti --multirun. If everything goes well you should see something like

[2022-04-21 11:51:41,322][HYDRA] Launching jobs, sweep output dir : data/428cbb5/FetchReach-v2/11-51-41
[2022-04-21 11:51:41,322][HYDRA] 	#0 : ++algorithm.critic_select=min +performance=FetchReach/cleansac_mod-opti n_epochs=60
[2022-04-21 11:51:41,322][HYDRA] 	#1 : ++algorithm.critic_select=min +performance=FetchReach/cleansac_mod-opti n_epochs=60
[2022-04-21 11:51:41,322][HYDRA] 	#2 : ++algorithm.critic_select=min +performance=FetchReach/cleansac_mod-opti n_epochs=60
[2022-04-21 11:51:41,322][HYDRA] 	#3 : ++algorithm.critic_select=min +performance=FetchReach/cleansac_mod-opti n_epochs=60

On my computer with n_jobs=4, it took about 16 minutes for the hyperopt to finish. It determined algorithm.critic_select=min to be the better option:

[2022-04-21 12:07:02,134][HYDRA] Best parameters: {'++algorithm.critic_select': 'min'}
[2022-04-21 12:07:02,134][HYDRA] Best value: 0.24166666666666664

If we group the experiments in Weights and Biases (how to), we come to the same conclusion:


Stopping the hyperopt

During hyperparameter optimization, we can stop the hyperopt after the next set of n_jobs finishes by deleting the file delete_me_to_stop_hyperopt. This makes it possible to stop the hyperopt while letting the current runs finish. The file is in the current working directory, which is usually the project root.