In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to add a new custom MuJoCo environment. It is divided into four steps:

  1. Choose and test a base-environment
  2. Copy and rename the base-environment
  3. Register and test the new environment
  4. Modify the new environment

As an example, we’ll add a 1-DOF (degree of freedom) version of the FetchReach-v2 environment by copying the Blocks environment.

Choose and test a base-environment

As a basis, use an environment that is as close as possible to the new environment you want to develop. A good start for a gripper-based environment is the gymnasium-robotics version of FetchReach. You could also choose to base your new env on one of our custom environments.

In our example, we’d like to create a very easy environment that is like the FetchReach-v2 environment, but the robot only has one degree of freedom (DOF). As a basis, we choose the BlocksEnv environment from our custom environments, because it already inherits from the MujocoFetchEnv.

Run your favorite algorithm with this base environment and make sure it works as intended. It is also a good idea to take notes about the learning performance (how many training steps are required to achieve success). In our case we run python src/ env=Blocks-o0-gripper_random-v1 algorithm=cleansac wandb=0, which uses the default algorithm SAC with HER, and achieves 1.0 eval/success_rate after the third epoch.

Copy and rename the base-environment

Create a copy of your base-environment and add it to the src/custom_envs folder in the repository. To do that, create a new subfolder for your new environment under src/custom_envs. (The Reach1DOF environment has meanwhile been added to the repository, because it is good for testing simple algorithms. You’ll have to delete it to follow this tutorial.) For our example, we copy the src/custom_envs/blocks folder and paste it to the src/custom_envs directory with the name reach1dof. We also rename the copied

  • to
  • in BlocksEnv to Reach1DOFEnv

Side note: entry points

The original MujocoFetchReachEnv environment uses entry points. Using an entry point class is the preferred way of implementing different variations for each environment. For example, the MujocoFetchEnv has different entry points for MujocoFetchReachEnv and MujocoFetchPushEnv. You find these in and respectively in /home/username/miniforge3/envs/scilabrl/lib/python3.11/site-packages/gymnasium_robotics/envs/fetch/.

Register and test the new environment

Then you need to register your new environment. You can do this by adding it to the src/custom_envs/ file. For our example environment, we add


Note that the -vN suffix is mandatory for each environment name, where N is the version number. We can now call the copied environment with python src/ env=Reach1DOF-v0 wandb=0 and receive a TypeError: Reach1DOFEnv.__init__() missing 2 required positional arguments: 'n_objects' and 'gripper_goal'. That happened because the original Blocks env requires keyword arguments that are specified with the environment ID. E.g. to launch the Blocks env with n_objects=0 and gripper_goal='gripper_random', specify env=Blocks-o0-gripper_random-v1. As a quick fix, we set default arguments for the two kwargs in

def __init__(self, n_objects=0, gripper_goal='gripper_random', distance_threshold=0.05, reward_type='sparse', model_xml_path=MODEL_XML_PATH):

Now try whether your copy of the base environment is running as intended, in the same way as the original one. For our example, we run python src/ env=Reach1DOF-v0 algorithm=cleansac wandb=0 again. It should achieve 100% eval/success_rate after 3 to 4 epochs.

Modify the new environment

We’d like to modify the environment so that the robot only has to move forwards or backwards. Therefore, we have to change some methods:


The goal should only contain one value and always be on an axis that the robot can reach by only moving forwards or backwards. So at first we change:

self.goal_size = self.n_objects * 3
if self.gripper_goal != 'gripper_none':
    self.goal_size += 3


self.goal_size = 1


Sample goal had to handle all the different blocks, but now we only want one value for the x-coordinate of the gripper. So we delete the whole _sample_goal() method and replace it with:

def _sample_goal(self):
    goal = np.array([self.initial_gripper_xpos[0]])
    goal[0] += self.np_random.uniform(-self.target_range, self.target_range)
    return goal.copy()

So now the goal is an x-coordinate between the grippers original x-position + self.target_range and the original x-position - self.target_range.

We can now run python src/ wandb=0 env=Reach1DOF-v0 render=display to see the modified version, but we will not see the goal. For that, we first have to change the _render_callback() which visualizes the goal.

💡 You can simply end a visualized MuJoCo experiment by pressing ESC.


Change it to

def _render_callback(self):
    goal_pos = self.initial_gripper_xpos.copy()
    goal_pos[0] = self.goal[0]
    site_id = self._model_names.site_name2id['gripper_goal']
    self.model.site_pos[site_id] = goal_pos

We need three coordinates for the goal-visualization-site (a site in MuJoCo is an object that does not participate in collisions). That is why we copy the initial gripper position and only change the x-coordinate. Then we put the goal-visualization site to that position. You should now be able to see the goal change only its x-position with python src/ wandb=0 env=Reach1DOF-v0 render=display.

Now we also need to make the robot move only on the x-axis:


_set_action() is not defined in the BlocksEnv/Reach1DOFEnv. We need to overwrite the _set_action() method that we inherit from the MujocoFetchEnv. Therefore, we add this method to the Reach1DOFEnv:

def _set_action(self, action):
    action = np.concatenate([action, np.zeros(3)])

The MujocoFetchEnv._set_action(action) expects an action with shape==(4,), where the first three values change the x-, y- and z-position of the gripper and the fourth value opens or closes the gripper. We just set everything except the x-value to zero and then call the method.

Running python src/ wandb=0 env=Reach1DOF-v0 render=display again gives us an AssertionError. That is because we have not adjusted self.action_space yet. The action space tells the algorithm how many values each action has and in what range these values are expected. To set the action space to only one value, add the line

self.action_space = spaces.Box(-1.0, 1.0, shape=(1,), dtype="float32")

at the end of __init__(), after the call to super().__init__(). Also add

from gymnasium import spaces

to the imports.

python src/ wandb=0 env=Reach1DOF-v0 algorithm=cleansac render=display should now show the robot moving with only one DOF. SAC + HER should be able to solve this environment practically immediately.

⚠️ Of course these changes only lead to a first version of the new environment. You’ll also need to change the docstrings and remove unused code (e.g. the code that sets the position of the blocks, as we do not use blocks).

💡 You may also want to copy and modify the environment XML for MuJoCo environments. You can find the XMLs in the custom_envs/assets folder. They are specified with the model_xml_path.

Finally, you could find out how fast your environment can be solved with hyperparameter optimization or check whether it runs with all algorithms by adding it to the ENVS in test_algos() in scripts/ (more on smoke tests).

Further details can be found in add environment to MakeDictObs wrapper